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Article I - Name and Purpose
Article II - Membership
Article III - Meetings
Article IV - Officers & Elections
Article V - Duties of Officers
Article VI - Dues
Article VII - Amendments

Article I Name and Purpose

Section 1 The name of the chapter shall be the Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Phi.

Section 2 The purpose shall be to render all possible assistance to collegiate chapters and members of Alpha Phi; to strengthen interest and promote active participation in the Fraternity on the part of all members; and to encourage and foster relationships among alumnae sisters.


Article II Membership

Any alumna member of Alpha Phi International Fraternity in good standing is eligible for membership.


Article III Meetings

Section 1 Meetings shall be held as determined by the planning of the Executive Board. A meeting to discuss chapter business will be held each September allow all sisters in good alumnae standing to vote on the issues at hand.

Section 2 Founders' Day shall be celebrated with appropriate ceremonies during the month of October.


Article IV Officers and Elections

Section 1 A President, Vice President of Programming and Treasurer shall be elected as determined by the nominating committee.

Section 2 The officers shall be elected at the chapter event during the month of March, and shall enter upon their duties in May and shall serve for a term of 2 years. The list of officers must be sent to the Executive Office immediately after the election.

Section 3 Ivy Connection Leader(s) will be appointed by the Executive Board. The term for the leader(s) shall be 2 years.

Section 4 Panhellenic Representative will be appointed by the Executive Board to represent the chapter at all meetings. The term for the representative will be 2 years.

Section 5 The Executive Board shall have the poser to fill its own vacancies, to act for the chapter in cases of emergency, and to appointed standing and special committee chairs.


Article V Duties of Officers

Section 1 President
a. Shall preside at meetings as appropriate and the Executive Board.
b. Shall communicate with the Executive Office and Regional Alumnae Membership Coordinator.
c. Shall complete all forms as requested by Alpha Phi International.
d. Shall coordinate the review and update of the bylaws on odd numbered years.
e. Shall appointed the Nominating Committee.
f. Shall perform all other duties associated with the office.
g. Shall establish the direction and goals of the chapter with guidance from the chapter.
h. Shall focus on the recruitment, retention and recognition of members.
i. Shall coordinate the Alumnae Initiate program for the chapter when appropriate.
j. Shall determine the schedule, write and design the newsletter.  She may appoint someone to assist.
k. Shall maintain or appoint someone to maintain website and chapter database.
l. Shall create and maintain an effective reminder program (i.e. postcards, phone, web site) for chapter events.  She may appoint someone to assist.
m. In the event the chapter disbands, President is responsible for sending records to Executive Office.

Section 2 Vice President of Programming
a. Shall recruit members to host social functions and help ensure that functions are diverse.
b. Shall develop activities calendar.
c. Shall help coordinate ceremonial programs with the President such as Graduating Senior Ceremony, Founders' Day Ceremony, etc.
d. Shall submit reports to the President for inclusion in chapter newsletter as requested.
e. Shall perform annual audit for financial records.

Section 3 Treasurer
a. Shall collect all local dues and money due the chapter and dispense funds as the chapter directs, rendering complete accounts of all recipients and expenditures.
b. Shall prepare an annual budget.
c. Shall submit her books for an annual audit as directed by the Executive Board of the chapter.
d. Shall send a list of dues paying members, including Member ID numbers, to the Executive office for record keeping.
e. Shall provide a roster and/or other information to the President for inclusion in the chapter newsletter.
f. Shall keep financial records in permanently bound form.
g. Shall pay bills and reimburse members for expenditures as necessary.
h. Shall ensure necessary funds are present to send a delegate to Convention and Regional Conference
i. Shall encourage members to pay International dues and Founder’s Day Pennies to the Executive Office.
j. Shall forward all changes of address, name, and phone number to the Executive Office

Section 4 Ivy Connection Leader(s)
a. Shall plan the calendar of events for the Ivy Connection Group. These events will be wholly supported by the funds, personnel and resources of the larger group.
b. Shall submit reports to the President for inclusion in chapter newsletter as requested.

Section 5 Panhellenic Representative
a. Shall representative the Fraternity at all Alumnae Panhellenic meetings.
b. Shall submit written or oral reports at chapter meetings as necessary.
c. Shall submit reports to the President for inclusion in chapter newsletter as requested.


Article VI Dues

Section 1 The annual dues shall be $25.00. All International dues and Founders' Day Pennies are collected by the Alpha Phi Executive Office and are not solicited for by the alumnae chapter. Dues are payable each fall and offer membership in good standing from August 1 to July 30 of each year.

Section 2 Members of the chapter who have not paid their dues for 2 years are excluded from holding office, voting, or having a voice in procedures of the chapter, unless excused from payment of dues by the chapter. 


Article VII Amendment

The by-laws may be amended, added to or repealed at any meeting by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present and entitled to vote, provided that the proposed change has been presented in writing at least one month prior to the meeting at which the action is to be taken.


For additional information or questions about this website, please e-mail our president